9:42:00 AM
"One knows that ‘The Taj’ is one amongst the World’s Wonders!
  One knows that it is one amongst the UNESCO World Heritage Sites!! 
  One knows The Taj as a legend of eternal love of an Emperor for his favourite Queen!!!"

The 17th century Taj Mahal is Located at the city of Agra the mughal capital in the 16th and early 17th century, is full of architectural splendour of forts, mausoleums, and palaces, in the State of Uttar Pradesh. The Taj Mahal is the most popular monument in India, attracting over 2.5 million visitors per year. Agra is home to four World Heritage Sites -The Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, Sikandra & the Fatehpur Sikri. Agra is also home to many other beautiful Mughal buildings like Akbar's Tomb, Itmad-Ud-Daulah etc. Dayal Bagh is an under-construction temple that many visit. The lifelike carving in marble is not seen anywhere else in India.

A view of Taj Mahal

History of Taj Mahal :

"A white marble tomb built in 1631 - 48 in Agra, seat of the Mughal Empire, by Shah Jehan for his wife,Arjuman Banu Begum, the monument sums up many of the formal themes that have played through Islamic architecture. Its refined elegance is a conspicuous contrast both to the Hindu architecture of pre-Islamic India, with its thick walls, corbelled arches and heavy lintels, and to the Indo-Islamic styles, in which Hindu elements are combined with an eclecticassortment of motifs from Persian and Turkish sources."______ Marvin Trachtenberg and Isabelle Hyman Architectu (from Prehistory to Post-Modernism. p223)

In 1631, Shah Jahan, emperor during the Mughal empire's period of greatest prosperity, was grief-stricken when his favorite of three wives and beloved companion, Mumtaz Mahal, a Persian princess, died during the birth of their 14th child, Gauhara Begum.The death so crushed the emperor that all his hair and beardwere said to have grown snow white in a few months.
When Mumtaz Mahal was still alive, she extracted four promises from the emperor: first, that he build the Taj;second, that he should marry again; third, that he be kind to their children; and fourth, that he visit the tomb on her death anniversary. However, due to ill health and being under house arrest by his own son and successor to the throne, Aurangzeb, barred him from continue to keep the last promise.
Shah Jahan with Mumtaj Mahal

Construction of the Taj Mahal began in 1632.The court chronicles of Shah Jahan's grief illustrate the love story traditionally held as an inspiration for Taj Mahal.The principal mausoleum was completed in 1643 and the surrounding buildings and garden were finished about five years later were part of the thirty-seven men who formed the creative unit.The Taj rises on a high red sandstone base topped by a huge white marble terrace on which rests the famous dome flanked by four tapering minarets. Within the dome lies the jewel-inlaid cenotaph of the queen. So exquisite is the workmanship that the Taj has been described as "having been designed by giants and finished by jewellers". The only asymmetrical object in the Taj is the casket of the emperor which was built beside the queen’s as an afterthought.
Legend has it that during his eight years long ailment and imprisonment, Shah Jahan used to intensly view The Taj lying on the bed through a diamond fixed in the wall in front at a particular angle.
As a tribute to a woman of exotic beauty and as a monument of a love story, which is keeping us engrossed even when we are reading through these pages here, truely an ever-lasting romance of a love not ended as yet, the Taj reveals its subtleties to its beholder!
The rectangular base of Taj is in itself symbolic of the different sides from which to view a beautiful woman. The main gate is like a veil to a woman’s face which should be lifted delicately, gently and without haste on the wedding night. In Indian tradition the veil is lifted gently to reveal the beauty of the bride. As one stands inside the main gate of Taj, his eyes are directed to an arch which frames the Taj.
Emperor Shah Jahan, who commissioned the construction of ‘The Taj’, desired to create it also as a symbol of solemnity, harmony, purity and spirituality as well.
The Taj is not merely a monument of grace and dignity alone. It is, in fact, a message to all mankind that “Pure love is the soul of life”.
Shah Jahan with Mumtaj Mahal

Story of Black Taj :

To the last category belong the oldest tales of the Taj. Here the most widely known is the story of the second Taj,the "Black Taj", which Shah Jahan intended to build in black marble opposite the present mausoleum, on the site of the Mahtab Bagh. It goes back to Jean-Baptiste Tavernier who, when at Agra in 1665 AD, reported that 'Shahjahan began to built his own tomb on the other side of the river, but the war with his sons interrupted his plan, and Aurangzeb, who reigns at present, is not disposed to complete it. Shah Jahan was put under house arrest by his own son and successor by force, Aurangzeb. The latter did not agree with his father on most issues and was particularly opposed to him building a black Taj as his own mausoleum.
Upon Shah Jahan's death, Aurangzeb made the body of the Emperor, who got the body of his beloved Mumtaz in a golden casket from Burhanpur to Agra, carried in a boat by only two men and buried him in the Taj, next to his wife in probably the simplest manner.
Unfulfil Dream of Shah Jahan "The Black Taj"

Shah Jahan, the Emperor, who fulfilled the wishes of his beloved, could not find fulfilment of his own wish to build a Black Taj to express his mourning for the beloved Queen Mumtaz Mahal even after his death. That was the serenity in the purity of love.

Creation of Taj Mahal :

The Taj Mahal is actually an integrated complex of structures with the white domed marble mausoleumbeing itsmost significant component.Entrusted to a board-of-architects by the Emperor Shah Jahan, the construction of the Taj Complex began about 1631 AD.The principal mausoleum was completed in1648 AD by employing thousands of artisans and craftsmen, whereas, the outlying buildings and gardens were finished five years later in 1653 AD.
The Taj, the ultimate expression of love speaks volumes of indulgence coming from an overflowing treasuryand political security of that era and much more by way of the finesse in art and science of architecture. Herringbone inlays define the space between many of the adjoining elements. White inlays are used in sandstone buildings, and dark or black inlays on the whitemarbles. Mortared areas of the marble buildings have been stained or painted in a contrasting colour, creating geometric patterns of considerable complexity. 
Floors and walkways use contrasting tiles or blocks in tessellation patterns. The inlay stones are of yellow marble, jasper and jade, polished and levelled to the surface of the walls.
A labour force of about twenty thousand workers was recruited from across the Northern India. 
Sculptors from Bukhara, calligraphers from Syria and Persia, inlayers from southern India, 
stone cutters from Baluchistan, a specialist in building turrets, another who carved only marble flowers.

Architecture :

Taj Mahal is an ambassador of Shah Jahan's strong interest in building and artistic innovations. The new architectural style includes aspects that were to impinge much of subsequent Indian architecture. Symmetry along two sides of a central axis, new columnar styles, curvilinear forms, and symbolic decorations based on naturalistic plant motifs are all characteristics of the Shahjahan style that can be found in the Taj MahalComplex.

The mausoleum is entirely clad in white marble. Alluding to the stone's luminosity, the Mughal poets 
compared it to early dawn or to a cloud. Kalim wrote: "It is a [piece of] heaven of the colour of dawn's bright face, because from top to bottom and inside out it is of marble - Nay, not marble because of its translucent colour (av-u-rang) The eye can mistake it for a cloud."Kanbo refers to “the illurruned tomb (rauza-i-munauwara) on who’s every stone slab from early morning until late evening the whiteness of the true dawn is reflected, causing the viewer to forget his desire to move towards the highest heaven”.

                                                   THE PRINCIPLES
Principles of Shahjahani Architecture and as they are expressed in the Taj Mahal:
The complex of the Taj Mahal explores the potential of the riverfront garden as both an ideal funerary and a utilitarian worldly construct; it also expresses in canonical form the architectural principles of the period.
1.Rational and strict geometry.
2.Perfect symmetrical planning with an emphasis on bilateral symmetry (qarina) along a central axis      of the 
   main features. In a typical Shahjahani qarina scheme two symmetrical features flank a dominant          central 
3.A hierarchical grading of materials, forms and colours.
4.Triadic divisions bound together in proportional formulas. These determine the shape of plans,            elevations and architectural Ornament.
5.Uniformity of shapes, ordered by hierarchical accents.
6.Sensuous attention to detail.
7.A selective use of naturalism.

These principles govern the entire architecture of Shah Jahan. They are expressed most grandly and most consistently in the Taj Mahal.

                                                                THE DESIGN

The historians and poets of Shah Jahan state that the Taj Mahal was to represent an earthly replica of the house of Mumtaz Mahal in the gardens of Paradise. This must not be dismissed as Shahjahani court rhetoric: it truly expresses the programme of the mausoleum. In order to realize the idea of the hatological garden house as closely as possible, the canonical out of previous imperial mausoleums, where the building stood at the centre of a cross-axially planned garden or chahar bagh, is abandoned, and the riverfront design that had become the prevailing residential garden type of Agra was chosen instead, and raised to a monumental scale.
The interaction between residential and funerary genres had characterized Mughal architecture from the beginning. In the Taj Mahal the aim was to perfect the riverfront garden and enlarge it to a scale beyond the reach of ordinary mortals, to create here on earth and in the Mughal city paradisiacal garden palace for the deceased.
Design of Taj Mahal
Design of Taj Mahal

The tomb is the central focus of the entire complex of the Taj Mahal. It is a large, white marble structurestanding on a square plinth and consists of a symmetrical building with an iwan (an arch-shaped doorway) topped by a large dome and finial. Like most Mughal tombs, the basic elements are Persian in origin.
Four minarets frame the tomb

Main marble dome, smaller domes, and decorative spires that extend from the edges of the base walls

Interior view of the vaulted dome over the tombs of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz.
The false sarcophagi of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan in the main chamber.
The actual tombs of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan in the lower level.

The base structure is a large multi-chambered cube with chamfered corners forming an unequal eight-sided structure that is approximately 55 metres (180 ft) on each of the four long sides. Each side of the iwan is framedwith a huge pishtaq or vaulted archway with two similarly shaped arched balconies stacked on either side. This motif of stacked pishtaqs is replicated on the chamfered corner areas, making the design completely symmetrical on all sides of the building. Four minarets frame the tomb, one at each corner of the plinth facing the chamfered corners. The main chamber houses the false sarcophagi of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan; the actual graves are at a lower level

Exterior decorations :
The exterior decorations of the Taj Mahal are among the finest in Mughal architecture.As the surface area changes, the decorations are refined proportionally. The decorative elements were created by applying paint, stucco, stone inlays or carvings. In line with the Islamic prohibition against the use of anthropomorphic forms, the decorative elements can be grouped i
nto either calligraphy, abstract forms or vegetative motifs. Throughout the complex are passages from the Qur'an that comprise some of the decorative elements. Recent scholarship suggests that the passages were chosen by Amanat Khan.
The calligraphy was created in 1609 by a calligrapher named Abdul Haq. Shah Jahan conferred the title of "Amanat Khan" upon him as a reward for his "dazzling virtuosity" Much of the calligraphy is composed of florid thuluth script made of jasper or black marble inlaid in white marble panels. Higher panels are written in slightly larger script to reduce the skewing effect when viewed from below. The calligraphy found on the marble cenotaphs in the tomb is particularly detailed and delicate.On the lower walls of the tomb are white marble dados sculpted with realistic bas relief depictions of flowers and vines. The marble has been polished to emphasise the exquisite detailing of the carvings. The dado frames and archway spandrels have been decorated with pietra dura inlays of highly stylised, almost geometric vines, flowers and fruits. The inlay stones are of yellow marble, jasper and jade, polished and levelled to the surface of the walls.
Tamga of the Mughal Empire. 
Reflective tiles

Interior decoration : 
The interior chamber of the Taj Mahal reaches far beyond traditional decorative elements. The inlay work is not pietra dura, but a lapidary of precious and semiprecious gemstones. The inner chamber is an octagon with the design allowing for entry from each face, although only the door facing the garden to the south is used. The interior walls are about 25 metres (82 ft) high and are topped by a "false" interior dome decorated with a sun motif. Eight pishtaq arches define the space at ground level and, as with the exterior, each lower pishtaq is crowned by a second pishtaq about midway up the wall. The four central upper arches form balconies or viewing areas, and each balcony's exterior window has an intricate screen or jali cut from marble. In addition to the light from the balcony screens, light enters through roof openings covered by chattris at the corners. The octagonal marble screen or jali bordering the cenotaphs is made from eight marble panels carved through with intricate pierce work. The remaining surfaces are inlaid in delicate detail with semi-precious stones forming twining vines, fruits and flowers. Each chamber wall is highly decorated with dado bas-relief, intricate lapidary inlay and refined calligraphy panels which reflect, in miniature detail, the design elements seen throughout the exterior of the complex.
Archways in the mosque
Delicacy of intricate pierce work

Garden :
The complex is set around a large 300-metre (980 ft) square charbagh or Mughal garden. The garden uses raised pathways that divide each of the four quarters of the garden into 16 sunken parterres or flowerbeds. Halfway between the tomb and gateway in the center of the garden is a raised marble water tank with a reflecting pool positioned on a north-south axis to reflect the image of the mausoleum. The raised marble water tank is called al Hawd al-Kawthar in reference to the "Tank of Abundance" promised to Muhammad

Outlying buildings:
The Taj Mahal complex is bordered on three sides by crenellated red sandstone walls; the side facing the river is open. Outside the walls are several additional mausoleums, including those of Shah Jahan's other wives, and a larger tomb for Mumtaz's favourite servant.The main gateway (darwaza) is a monumental structure built primarily of marble, and reminiscent of the Mughal architecture of earlier emperors. Its archways mirror the shape of the tomb's archways, and its pishtaq arches incorporate the calligraphy that decorates the tomb. The vaulted ceilings and walls have elaborate
geometric designs like those found in the other sandstone buildings in the complex.
At the far end of the complex are two grand red sandstone buildings that mirror each other, and face the sides of the tomb. The backs of the buildings parallel the western and eastern walls. The western building is a mosque and the other is the jawab (answer), thought to have been constructed for architectural balance although it may have been used as a guesthouse. Distinctions between the two buildings include the jawab's lack of a mihrab (a niche in a mosque's wall facing Mecca), and its floors of geometric design whereas the floor of the mosque is laid with outlines of 569 prayer rugs in black marble.
Taj Mahal and outlying buildings as seen from across the Yamuna River (northern view)

Ground Layout of The Taj Mahal Complex:
The main north-south axis runs through the garden canal and the bazaar street. On it are set the
dominant features: the mausoleum, the pool, the great gate, the Jilaukhana, the southern gate of
the Jilaukhana, and the chauk (square) of the bazaar and caravanserai complex.

View of Taj :

Day View of Taj Mahal :
That said, the Taj is at its most alluring in the relative quiet of early morning, shrouded in mists and bathed with a soft red glow. As its vast marble surfaces fall into shadow or reflect the sun, its colour changes, from soft grey and yellow to pearly cream and dazzling white; it's well worth visiting at different times. This play of light is an important decorative device, symbolically implying the presence of GOD, who is never represented in anthropomorphic form.The moods of the Taj vary from dawn to dusk. The Taj Mahal or the Crown of Palaces looks milky white in the soft light that characterizes early morning, while the afternoon sun makes it glisten bright and dazzling in the overhead sunlight, almost looking like a jewel against the opaque blue of the skyline.

Day View
Morning View

Night View of Taj Mahal : 
Taj into the moon light shines like a pearl. Majestic and simply beautiful in a sense that cannot be put into words.Night viewing of Taj Mahal has been allowed from 28th November, 2004 for five nights in a month including the Full Moon night and two days before and two days after except Fridays and month of Ramzan as per the order of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. The night viewing of Taj Mahal is opened from 8-30 p.m. to 12-30 in eight batches of 50 persons for half an hour duration. The visitors of the night viewing of Taj Mahal have to report at Shilpagram complex half an hour in advance of the viewing time. The entry is allowed from the Eastern Gate of the Taj Mahal only after security check near the Eastern gate. The visitors have to keep their luggage at the counter fee of cost. No video camera is allowed in side the monument during the night viewing. The night viewing tickets of Taj Mahal can be purchased from the Booking Counter located in the office of 
Archaeological Survey of India, Agra Circle, 22 The Mall, Agra, Uttar Pradesh in between 10-00 am to 6-00 p.m. one day in advance of the date of night viewing. The night viewing ticket can be cancelled in the Booking counter of ASI at 22 The Mall, Agra on the same date of viewing upto 1.00 p.m.with cancellation charge of 25% of the ticket.

Night View
Night View

Rate of Night Viewing Ticket:

1. Indian (Adult)     - Rs 510/- and Children (3Yrs to 15 Yrs age)- no charge
2.Foreigner (Adult)- Rs 750/- and Children ( 3Yrs to 15 Yrs age)- Rs. 500/-

Entry to Taj Mahal :

The four storeyed main gateway of the Taj Mahal is 100 feet high and is built in red sandstone. The Arabic calligraphy from the Holy Quran and motifs of entwined flowers, leaves and vines spiraling down its niches. These motifs have been made by semi-precious stones inlaid in the white marble. 

The  Southern Gate : 
The Gate is towards the south, Which faces the old Mumtazabad (Modern Taj Ganj). It is meant for the pedestrians. On the right side of this gate is a Tomb of red stone which is surrounded by court yards and crowded with a dome. It is said that this is a grave of one lady companion of Mumtaj Mahal. Due to this reason this building is called as the Tomb of a Maid of Honour.
It stand on an evelated square measuring 156 feet each way. In the central chamber, there are two uninscribed tombs of marble stone. The platform of the building is octagonal and the cupola is turnip-shaped.No historian has given an account of these graves, yet they agree with this probability that these graves may belong to the personal ward attendants of Mumtaz Mahal.Just opposite this building, there is a red stone edifice of the same type.

The  Eastern Gate :
This gate faces towards Fatehabad. There is a domed tomb erected on an elevated platform near this gate . This Tomb was built in the memory of another wife of Shah Jahan called Sirhindi begum. Due to this, the gate is known as ‘Sirhi Darwaza’.The main building is eight sided, having twenty four arches,a big hall and a verandah.

The Western Gate : 
It is the main entrance to the Taj Mahal and this gate faces towards the Agra cantonment and Agra city.There is a red sand stone edifice outside this gate which is known as Fatehpur Begum another wife of Shah Jahan.It is erected on a beautiful terrace.The count yard is paved and its measurements are 130 feet and some 175 to 200 persons can perform Namaz in here. 

The Gate Way To The Taj Mahal :
This gate way is an octagonal entrance hall, surrounded by small rooms on both the sides of the floors having beautifully ornamented gates on two sides, one opening towards the court yard side and the other to wards the Mausoleum itself. On the three sides of this gateway , there are strong balconies. The Gateway is a master piece of fine inlay work in itself.

Visiting Hours : 

Taj Mahal Sunrise to Sunset (Friday Closed) also Other Monuments-from sunrise to sunset

Entry Fee For Taj Mahal:

S.No.                      Tourist Type                                Amount (Rs.) (Inclusive of ASI & ADA fees )

1.                          Foreign tourist                                                           750/-

2.              Citizens of SAARC and BIMSTEC Countries                           510/-

3.                      Domestic/Indian                                                              20/-


For all the World Heritage Sites tickets are available on Ticket Counters of World Heritage Sites in India.A composite ticket of Taj Mahal (Inclusive of ASI & ADA fees) is available at all World Heritage Sites in india.No Entry fee for children below the age of 15 years. (both Domestic and Foreigner)


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  52. Wow! What a blog, you are sharing very good information through this blog. Agra is the famous for historical bulding like Taj Mahal, Agra Fort and others. same day agra tour by gatimaan express will take you all the places of Agra.

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  55. Taj Mahal is the very beautiful place to visit in India And also it is the wonder of world as it all we know just because it marvelous structure. same day taj mahal tour by car can take you all the places of Agra.

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  58. Great post. stunning photos you shared. Taj Mahal is most famous historical building in india which is famous for its architecture. If you are planning to go then book this trip: Same Day Agra Tour

  59. Thanks for sharing the helpful information. You captured really great pictures in your post.
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  60. This is really very nice and informative post, golden triangle tour 2 nights will take people to the various places and it will give you the time for which a traveler is looking.

  61. Hello,

    Nice article. Its really very nice article. Keep sharing.

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    Same Day Agra Tour by Train
    Sunrise Taj Mahal Tour
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  62. Great blog post! Agra, located on the banks of river Yamuna owns the sublime example of love in the form of Tajmahal. educational student tours

  63. In 1631, Shah Jahan, emperor during the Mughal empire's period of greatest prosperity, was grief-stricken when his favorite of three wives and beloved companion, Mumtaz Mahal, a Persian princess, died during the birth of their 14th child, Gauhara Begum.The death so crushed the emperor that all his hair and beardwere said to have grown snow white in a few months.

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  64. Nice post about the Agra! Agra is one of the most visited city in India. Their are no. of historical monuments to explore. If you are planning a group then i suggest you the best trip with trips for college students is the ultimate option.

  65. Great post you shared about Taj Mahal. Taj Mahal is one of the most famous historical monument in India. Hundred and thousand people visit Taj mahla every day. If you want to explore Taj Mahal in a day, Same day Agra Tour by Train is the tour package to explore Taj Mahal and many historical monuments.

  66. Taj Mahal is most popular historical destination of india. People come here from all around world to see it. Golden triangle tour with varanasi is most popular tour to see all popular things of agra with delhi and jaipur.

  67. What a great article you written! Just awesome. If you want to know about historical part then book a trip with educational tours for students in india is the best tour.

  68. Agra is the best city to movement and see the different landmarks of India.
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  69. Nice piece of information that you have shared, no one knows that thing related to black Taj Mahal is real or just rumors. But thanks for sharing this post. Same day Agra tour by car only able to tell or give the facts about this city.

  70. Taj Mahal is the world-famous monument in India, it is located in Agra city. Hundreds and thousands of tourists from all over the world come here every day to feel the beauty of this building. They hire cabs in Agra to reach here.

  71. if you want choose a good tour package for your journey than try Same Day Agra Tour by Train . Really a good information about taj mahal agra, thanks for sharing this amazing post.

  72. Explore the beauty of Taj Mahal with Sunrise Taj Mahal tour is the best option to travel in Agra city! Taj Mahal look so beautiful in sunrise time.

  73. Agra, the most famous place in India for Taj Mahal. Taj Mahal is the sign of Love. Taj Mahal looks so beautiful at sunset time. If you want to travel in Agra then book this trip with Sunset Taj Mahal Tour

  74. Amritsar is mainly known for Golden Temple, Wagah Border and Jalliyanwala Bagh. These are the places which attracts lots of visitors in Amritsar. If you are planning to see then book a trip with golden triangle tour with amritsar.

  75. Golden Triangle Tour 3 Days tour very famous package in north india. it covers Delhi - Agra - Fatehpur Sikri - Jaipur city.

  76. Agra is the best place to see the historical things. When you plan to go a trip then taxi booking is so important part of your trip. If you want to book cab, cabs in agra is the best option.


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  78. Tajmahal is the world-renowned monument in India, it is famous for its beauty and its history, due to its beauty thousands of travelers are attracted towards it. Sunrise Taj Mahal tour is the best option to see the eclectic beauty of Taj Mahal at the time of sunrise.

  79. Everyone knows about Taj Mahal history, but only a few people know the entire history of the Taj Mahal, there are many interesting facts about the Taj Mahal. golden triangle tour with khajuraho and varanasi will help you to explore the taj history.

  80. If you are planning Agra trip and looking for best hotel in agra than hotel bhwana is the best option for youwith luxury facilities and low cost hotel room.

  81. Golden Triangle Tour with Ranthambore BEst option for those peoples who searching online Agra tour package in average budget. Please check one time.

  82. Nice Blog, thanks for sharing the logic behind the golden triangle . This place is best choice for the spent your time with your family. full moon view is also very attractive.

  83. Agra is the land of amazing culture there are lots of historical things to see. Overnight Agra tour package is the tour package for them Who wants to see Taj Mahal at Night.

  84. Thanks for sharing these all wonderful images. Really a great information about taj mahal. same day taj mahal tour by car one day tour services in Agra. Ustad Ahmad Lahauri, generally regarded as the chief architect of the Taj Mahal, was not Indian; he was a Persian from Iran.

  85. Great post! Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful post. Agra is beautiful city of india and it have good places which are famous all around world. If you planning to visit Taj Mahal in same day then book a trip with same day taj mahal tour is the best way to go and see the Taj Mahal at very affordable price.

  86. Agra is the city which have many amazing historical monument. Same day Agra tour is the best tour package for them who wants to visit Agra in Same day.

  87. Agra is the best place to travel and it is top tourists place in India. You will visit all popular monuments of agra in a single tour. Same day Agra tour can take you all the famous places of Agra.

  88. Explore the beauty of Taj Mahal with Same day agra tour by train is the best option for everyone to see the all monuments in Agra like Taj Mahal, Red Fort, Baby Taj, Akbar Tomb and other monuments.

  89. I glad to read your post its very informative. Taj Mahal is the symbol of love its situated in Agra at Bank of river yamuna. Thousands of tourist visit here and feel the charm of this monument. If someone wants to experience the beauty of this building. Same day Taj Mahal tour by car is the best option to feel the eclectic beauty of this world famous monument.

  90. Taj Mahal is the most famous heritage monument and it included seven wonder of the world if some wants to see the eclectic beauty of Taj Than Taj Mahal moonlight tour is the perfect and budget tour package.

  91. As everyone know Taj Mahal is very beautiful monument in Agra and everyone wants to feel the beauty of this world famous monument. Same day Taj Mahal tour by train help to explore Agra city and see the fascinating beauty of this building.

  92. Amazing post have shared about Taj Mahal. I love to read your post its very informative. Thanks for sharing. keep posting.
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  93. Taj Mahal is a famous Indian landmark and tourist magnet, attracting more than a million tourists every year. Yes, at sunset the Taj seems to take on a special mystical appearance. same day agra tour by train best tour service to visit Taj mahal Agra.

  94. If anyone planning to visit Agra city Overnight Agra tour is the best tour package is the best to explore Agra city this tour cover all historical monuments in Agra.

  95. The Taj Mahal is considered one of the most romantic monuments in the world. One of the seven wonders of the world, the Taj sees many visitors everyday. Golden triangle tour with Varanasi gives you an opportunity to visit Agra, Delhi, Jaipur and varanasi manuments.

  96. Thanks for sharing these all wonderful images and memories of taj mahal. Really this is very nice and amazing post. Golden Triangle Tour with Amritsar is best tour package to visit Agra, Delhi, Jaipur, Amritsar These top tourist places to visit in north India.

  97. Hy Admin,
    Thanks a lot you sharing this beautiful article....
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    Classic Tour India

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. Great post. stunning photos you shared. Taj Mahal is most famous historical building in india which is famous for its architecture. If you are planning to go then book this Hotel Room. budget hotels in agra

  101. Thanks for sharing, Taj Mahal is the most famous heritage monument and included seven wonders of the world if you want to visit taj mahal than Overnight Agra Tour is the budget tour with lot of adventure.

  102. Thanks for sharing these all wonderful images of tajmahal, This is really nice post. Taj Mahal takes on different coloring at different times of the day, from a pinkish hue in the morning, milky white in the evening and golden at night when lit by the moon. SAME DAY AGRA TOUR gives you an opportunity to visit this wonderful Monument.

  103. Hy Admin
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  107. HY Admin,
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  108. Thanks for sharing This information about taj mahal,
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  109. What a great post! This is really awesome information and article. Thank you! Same Day Agra Tour By Car to this tour package will take tourist all historical monument of Agra.

  110. Thanks for sharing about the Taj Mahal and other monuments. Agra is beautiful city of india and it have so many good places to visit. Same day agra tour is one of the best option to travel in Agra city!

  111. Thanks for sharing agra taj mahal wonderful images with us. Agra has many historical monuments. Agra, home to the Taj Mahal, is one of the most famous tourist destinations. car rental in Agra

  112. Hello Guest,
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  113. Hy Admin,
    I am very glad to read your greatful post,
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    #Sunrise #Taj Mahal #tour

  114. Thanks for sharing these all wonderful images of taj mahal, This is a historical monument in agra city. Taj Mahal is a famous Indian landmark and tourist magnet, attracting more than a million tourists every year. Same Day Taj Mahal Tour by Train gives you an opportunity to visit this wonderful Monument

  115. Dear Admin

    Golden Triangle Tour with Amritsar
    India is a very nice country and many tourist destinations to see and know about India,
    one of the best Tour is Delhi Agra Jaipur Tour with Amritsar. Tour will cover Delhi Agra Jaipur and Amritsar you will have much time to
    see all famous cities on easy way and know about India.

  116. This trip look epic! Ultimate pictures and post.. Thank you so much! If you want to see live then book a trip with same day taj mahal tour by car is the perfect option to travel these places.

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  118. What a nice article and post you shared with us! If you are planning to visit the Taj Mahal and other historical things then book this same day agra tour by car is the perfect option to travel Agra City.

  119. Taj Mahal is the wonder of the world I have read your full post and I want to say that this is very nice blog with beautiful images.
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  120. Amazing tour experience, Taj Mahal is indeed a beautiful place. When you visit, make sure you take a picture of yourself and your spouse with the mausoleum as the background. If you wants to visit rajashtan and other best monuments in this city then you can choose golden triangle with Jodhpur tour package.

  121. Plan a same day trip to India with Usmani Taj Tours, We are offering best Same Day Agra Tour to experience things of beautiful Agra. Guide, Car for pickup & Drop and WiFi also available in that tour.

  122. Taj Mahal, one of Seven Wonders of the World is just not known for its pristine beauty but much of its grace lies in the fact that it is a monument dedicated to love. golden triangle tour with Amritsar

  123. If you are looking for a trip of Khajuraho along with cities of North India then book a trip with Golden Triangle Tour With Khajuraho and Varanasi. This tour gives you the best experiences of your life.

  124. Hello Guest
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    Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour by Car
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    Thanks & Best Regards
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  125. Hy Admin,
    Great post Thanks for sharing this amazing post keep sharing your latest post...
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    Same Day Taj Mahal Trip by Train
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    Thanks & Best Regards
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  126. Such a awesome information you shared! Thanks a lot to share this post. Taj Mahal is the most famous heritage monument and included seven wonders of the world if you want to visit taj mahal than book this same day agra tour by car is the budget tour with lot of adventure. This tour package cover the beautyof Taj Mahal and other monuments also.

  127. Such a beautiful post and pictures you captured in your trip! Thanks a lot to share this! Agra is the city where the famous Taj Mahal is located which is popularly known as the symbol of love. if you want to visit the Taj Mahal then book a tour with same day agra tour by gatimaan express is the best option to travel in Agra City. So plan your trip and book now.

  128. Beautiful pictures and article you shared! Thanks a lot. sunrise taj mahal tour from delhi with great deal, which make your life happiness and full of pleasures. If you are plan to visit Agra city then book this tour with us. So plan your holidays and book your tour now.

  129. Such a awesome article you write up. Thanks for sharing this post.. same day taj mahal tour from delhi is best option to visit agra historical monuments like, Taj mahal, Agra fort, baby taj and another places.

  130. Thank you so much for sharing this post! Taj Mahal is one of the most famous historical monument in India. If you plan a trip then book a trip with Overnight Agra Tour is the best option to see the beauty of Taj Mahal.

  131. Thank you so much for sharing a great information and pictures. Agra is beautiful city of India and it have good places which are famous all around world. Same day Agra tour give you a chance to see all the places of Agra City.

  132. Hy Admin
    Thanks for sharing this beautiful post...
    We are offering to you Amazing #Private #Taj #Mahal #Trip from #Delhi, This is the best opportunity for travelers to make your right holiday plan, so travellers book your tour now. for more information visit our site. http://sunrisetajmahaltour.com
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    Delhi Agra Trip to Taj Mahal
    Full Moonlight Taj Mahal Tour
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  134. What a amazing post and article you shared! Thank you so much for sharing this post. If you looking for a taxi then book this Agra Taxi with lowest price.

  135. Such a amazing poat! Your post give a good information about Taj Mahal. Taj Mahal is the wonder of the world Its situated in Agra at south bank of river Yamuna. Thousands of tourist come here from all over the world to see the beauty of this monument. If anyone wants to see the beauty of this historical building they can choose Overnight Agra Tour.

  136. Taj Mahal is the best place to spend time with your love and Family, Friends. There will you see the beauty of world famous monument and know about history of this building. Same Day Taj Mahal tour by Train

  137. Hello Blogger,
    Luxury Golden Triangle Tour package is specially designed tour package by Delhi Agra Jaipur Yatra which is connecting three famous heritage cities of India that are nation's capitral Delhi, city of love - Agra and Pink city Jaipur. If you are planning a tour or visiting first time to India for exploring incredible India then these cities are must visit destinations. In luxury Golden Triangle Tour your stay in the best hotels of every city. Hotels include are Oberoi, Leela, Taj, 5 star hotels and other heritage hotelsat best price in the market. Car rental services are also available for exploring the cities of Udaipur, Ranthambore and other famous cities. If you want to add some more places in your trip, you can Customize Your Tour also. So plan your vacations with Delhi Agra Jaipur Yatra which make your trip more comfortable and hassle free tour.
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  138. Very interesting post ...Thanks for sharing this article with us. Must visit there for joyful moments with our cab services in Agra. Bharat Taxi provides you a very comfortable cab at very cheapest price.

  139. Thanks for sharing the wonderful and helpful information
    Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour & Agra tour from Delhi by car. Guiding tour from Delhi start from Delhi any time from 3.00 am till 09.00 am. Depart from Delhi to Agra. Around 3 hrs drive from expressway. Agra our tour guide will join you before tour and start your guiding tour of Agra. Visit Taj Mahal Tour Packages- built in 17th century by 5th Mughal king Shah Jahan in the memory of his beloved queen Mumtaz. Now Taj Mahal becomes the most popular destination of India. Around 2.5 million people visit Taj Mahal annually. It is open 30 minutes before sunrise time and close after sunset. Agra Fort - this massive Fort was built by 3rd number emperor Akbar in 16th century. This Fort is built 2.5 km aria. Fort is also coming in world heritage site listing. Late afternoon or evenings depart from Agra to Delhi. Evening driver transfer you to Delhi hotel or airport.
    Thanks and best regards
    Manoj Sharma

  140. Hii Nice post
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  146. Hy Admin
    Superbbb post you sharing...
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    Thanks and Best regards
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  148. We are one of the efficient Tour Operators in Agra. We are engaged in organizing customized Same Day Tours for our clients. We organize different tour packages for our clients such as Honeymoons holidays, Family holidays, Adventure Tour, and Beach Holidays etc. Our expertise extends to organizing events for our clients. We ensure that client’s traveling experience with us is momentous.

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    Thanks and best regards
    Manoj Sharma

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    Thanks and best regards
    Manoj Sharma

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    Ateeq Khan
    Taj Adventure World

    Same Day Agra Tours
    Same Day Agra Tour By Car
    Same Day Agra Tour By Train
    Same Day Delhi Tour By Car
    Same Day Jaipur Tour By Car

  156. If anyone wants Discover the Taj Mahal and many heritage sites in Agra city they can choose Same day Taj Mahal tour package help those people who wants to explore the all historical monument of Agra.

  157. Hello Admin Ji
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    Contact Person: Sanjeev Paul
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    E-mail:- info@fragranceoftaj.com
    Website: - www.fragranceoftaj.com

  158. Hello Blog Admin,
    Your blog and post very good and attractive,Same Day Agra Tour by Car lets you to take some other awesome memories from different angles,There are many gardens near by taj they gave some other beautiful scenes of Taj. explore Agra city with Same Day Agra Tour by Car and see the real beauty of this city. Great shots!
    know more please Visit website:- www.tajadventureworld.com

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    Golden Triangle Tours
    Same Day Tours
    Overnight Tours

    ATeeq Khan

  159. What a amazing article you write up! Loved this.. Thank you for sharing your experience and fabolus pictures.. If you want to visit Agra City then book a tour with Same Day Taj Mahal Tour by Gatimaan is the best way to go at very lowest price.

  160. Thank you so much for sharing a nice experiences. One day Agra tour which takes you all the popular places of Agra City to travel in India at very lowest Price. So plan your holidays and book your trip.

  161. This is the best post about Taj Mahal, Agra i have ever seen. You always wrote quality based posts and i always love reading them. If you are intrested in a quick trip then Same Day Taj Mahal Agra Tour is here for you.

  162. My self Rahul from Classic Tours India, we organize Taj Mahal Tours, Golden triangle tours in India if you want to visit any where in India so visit here.
    Same Day Agra Tour by Car
    Golden Triangle Tour 4 days
    Sunrise Taj Mahal Tour from Delhi
    Same Day Agra Tour by Train

    Thanks & best Regards
    Rahul Rathor
    +91-7217278309, 8171934437

  163. Mind blowing blog, I really inspired
    Enjoy the best tour of 4 Days 3 Nights Golden Triangle Tour of Agra, Delhi & Jaipur @ very affordable prices which include a private car, well- experienced guide lunch camel safari and monuments tickets also so don’t be late… Other than this you can also book this type of tour.
    2 Nights 3 Days Golden Triangle Tour
    4 Nights 5 Days Golden Triangle Tour
    5 Nights 6 Days Golden Triangle Tour

    Thanks & best regards
    Rahul Rathor (Classic Tours India)

  164. Brilliant Post Admin, I really like it. Thanks for sharing your opinion. India is full of historical Monuments, India is rich in culture,traditions,heritage buildings, temples, forts and palaces. Famous Indian Monuments includes Old Churches of Goa ,The Taj Mahal, Qutab Minar of Delhi, Charminar, Red fort and Jantar mantar, these are also few most visited Heritage Sites in India. Plan your holidays to spellbound in the beauty of India.
    Golden Triangle Tour 3 Days
    Golden Triangle Tour 4 Days
    Golden Triangle Tour 5 Days
    Golden Triangle Tour with Udaipur
    Golden Triangle Tour with Amritsar

    Thanks & Best Regards
    Sunil Agarwal ( Taj Day Package)
    Ph No- +91- 8791361374
    E-mail- Info@tajdaypackage.com
    Website- www.tajdaypackage.com

  165. Your post is very thoughtful, in this post you discovered the beauty of India. Thanks For sharing this beautiful post…
    I am Sunil owner of Taj Day Package we provides the best travel sights of India in your budget. If you want to book your tour now, so click the link given below.
    Same Day Agra Tour
    Same Day Agra Tour by Train
    Overnight Agra Tour
    Private Taj Mahal Tour
    Sunrise Taj Mahal Tour
    Same Day Delhi Tour

    Thanks & Best Regards
    Sunil Agarwal ( Taj Day Package)
    Ph No- +91- 8791361374
    E-mail- Info@tajdaypackage.com
    Website- www.tajdaypackage.com

  166. Taj Mahal world famous historical monument of India which is situated in Agra. Same day taj mahal tour by gatimaan express is best option to visit all historical monuments of india in a single day tour. Private AC transportation for Taj Mahal visit includes in this tour.

  167. Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, Akbar Tomb, Itmad Ud Daulah, Mehtab Bagh and Fatehpur Sikri are the famous historical monuments of Agra. You can plan you agra tour to visit all historical monuments of agra.
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    same day agra tour by train
    same day agra tour by car
    delhi sightseeing tour by car
    Sunrise taj mahal tour
    Golden triangle tour 3 nights 4 days

  168. India Tour Packages | Rajasthan Tours | Taj Mahal Agra Tours
    Same Day Agra Tour | Taj Mahal by Car | Golden Triangle Tour

    Thanks & Regards
    Narender Yadav
    Contact No: +91 8077807913
    Email: info@thevisionholidays.com
    website: www.thevisionholidays.com

  169. Find details of Taj Mahal Tour and Taj Mahal Tour Packages. You can book Taj Mahal Tours. book taj mahal tour in last minutes, you can also book your taxi or hire taxi in Agra Well you
